Time for Complex Products
Online Merchants Innovate New Selling Opportunities
By Clifford S. Barney
After nearly 15 years of innovation, it can be safely argued that
the E-Commerce industry has found a stable orbit around a core set
of best practices. Every product imaginable has been pushed online,
some selling with great success, others with lackluster results;
but the collective effort has revealed what works, what doesn't and
even more importantly, what opportunity for innovation still remains.
The most fertile E-Commerce territory has been long staked
out and farmed and nowhere is this more apparent than in the
retail market for books, DVD's and other relatively simple products.
Indeed, early success stories on the Internet were oriented around
the sale of simple products those whose brick-and-mortar purchasing
processes could be most easily transferred into an Internet-based
environment. Consumers accustomed to the pick-and-pay experience
of the conventional retail store quickly adapted to the shopping
cart metaphor of early E-Commerce sites. That metaphor has come
to dominate the themes of E-Commerce best practices.
Complex Products
Frustrated by the success of early E-Commerce sites were those
companies trying to sell products that didn't quite fit into
the straightforward pick-and-pay experience, in which certain
product characteristics weren't easily accommodated by the software
available at the time. So-called complex products were challenging
to sell because, well, they were complex. Window blinds, industrial
mats, custom-cut boxes and made-to-order cable are just a few
examples of products that are complex and more difficult to sell
than familiar consumer-aimed products. Although it's natural
to define a complex product as one having product variations
such as size or color, it isn't just product variations that
make a product complex. In the early days, online merchants quickly
developed ways to sell consumer products that had variations,
so that a consumer could select the correct size shoe, or the
desired size and color shirt. But merchants in the industrial
sector found it much more challenging because of the complex
nature of not just the product variations, but the underlying
pricing models.
Unable to make effective use of off-the-shelf E-Commerce solutions,
many merchants selling complex products developed their own in-house
solutions, some with great success. And innovative tools continue
to be developed by forward-thinking merchants who want to find
better ways to sell complex products. Now that the market for simple
products has been fully developed, the best growth opportunities
for selling online may well lie in the developing world of complex
products. Companies that can figure out how to effectively sell
complex products can gain a significant market edge over competitors.
The differentiation between simple and complex products is somewhat
fuzzy, and there are several competing definitions for what makes
a product complex. Generally speaking, however, a simple product
is one that typically has 1) few variations and 2) simple pricing.
Examples include books, shoes, hats, DVD's and the majority of
consumer products. Complex products are defined by 1) many variations
and 2) complex pricing. In the industrial marketplace, it is common
for one type of product to have hundreds of slight variations,
and for merchants to offer volume pricing. An ordinary bolt, for
example, may have variations in diameter, length, head type, thread
type, metal type, etc. The same bolt may have four columns of volume
pricing, offering preferential pricing for customers who order
in large quantities. Furthermore, complex products often have pricing
that is calculated per bulk measure rather than per piece, as is
the case for cable sold by the linear foot, or steel sheet sold
by the square meter.
These types of variation and pricing complexities make it difficult
for merchants, especially smallto- mid-sized merchants, to effectively
sell these types of products online.
There are two classes of tools that have emerged independently
among online merchants, both of which have broad applications in
the sale of complex products. Often confused with one another,
product configurators and product condensers both simplify the
presentation and selection of complex products, but in different
Product Configurators
A product configurator allows a customer to select options for
a product in a way that's intuitive, the end result being a personalized
product that can then be added to a shopping cart and purchased.
Configurators are used when there are so many options associated
with a product that: 1) standard E-Commerce solutions cannot
be easily applied and 2) it would be fruitless to treat each
unique combination of options as a separate SKU. Also, configurators
allow merchants to make the options interdependent, so that the
selection of one option determines the allowable selection of
other options.
One of the earliest configurators was Dell's E-Commerce site
which allowed customers to select desired options and, in effect,
build their own computer online. Because the selection of one piece
of hardware might preclude the selection of another, the configurator
needed to recognize the relationship between the various options.
Configurators allow merchants to offer highly customized products
in a way that cannot be accomplished by off-the-shelf E-Commerce
software. In fact, merchants often build configurators for a single
type product, specifically tailored for the characteristics of
that product.
Configurators for Product Discovery Some
merchants use configurators as product navigators, fulfilling the
role of an offline sales consultant in which the customer specifies
general requirements, and a list of products meeting those requirements
is presented. A customer using a configurator to find a suitable
type of industrial hose, for example, could specify certain characteristics
such as diameter, operating environment and application; the configurator
would then present the full range of perhaps a dozen or so suitable
products based upon the configurator entries.
Configurators for Product Quotation
In more recent applications, configurators are used as part of
online quotation systems, in which a customer configures a product
with the desired options, and submits it to the merchant as a
request for quote. The merchant is then able to build a quote
on the configured item and send it to the customer via email.
Product Condensers
Product condensers are different than configurators in that they
provide customers with a convenient means to select from a large
number of related products. As mentioned previously, many products
in the industrial marketplace have slightly different characteristics
from one another, but are sold under separate SKU's. Typically,
online merchants will list all of the SKU's in large tables,
forcing the customer to scan each table to locate a particular
product. A product condenser takes all of these related products
and condenses them down into a single object, which is then displayed
for the customer. The customer then selects the characteristics
that they want, and after they have finished, the product associated
with those characteristics is displayed, along with the correct
SKU and pricing. From the customer perspective, there is only
a single product - they select the desired variations and move
through the purchasing process. This is much more efficient than
scanning through dozens or even hundreds of rows of mind-numbingly
similar products.
Reducing the Clutter
The primary advantage of a product condenser is that it significantly
reduces the clutter on a web page, and provides an intuitive
interface for customers to choose from a large number of products.
Take the case of a merchant selling various types of bolts, for
example. Their web site may list hundreds of different styles of
bolts, each of which also has slight variations in diameter, head
type, thread type, length, etc. In a traditional paper-based catalog,
each of the slight variations would typically be listed as a separate
row in a large table. However, using a product condenser on a web
page allows all of the related SKU's to be 'squeezed' into a single
object that appears on the web page. In short, many products are
condensed into a single product. In order to purchase the product,
the customer is first directed to select a diameter, which triggers
the display of available lengths. Selecting one of the lengths
triggers the display of available head types, and so on. When the
customer has selected all required variations, the product's 'Buy
Now' button becomes visible, making the product available for purchase.
Also, the specific SKU and pricing for the selected variations
is displayed. All of this occurs in real-time, driven by embedded
code within the web page itself. There are no server requests,
thus, no delays in the product selection process.
Unit Measures and Interdependencies
Product condensers respect the interdependencies between product
variations, ensuring that the customer can't purchase a combination
of variations that isn't available. Also, product condensers
can handle more advanced situations in which the product is sold
by units of measure such as by linear foot or by square meter.
At the appropriate stage in the selection process, the customer
is prompted to enter in a measure, which is validated in real-time
for adherence to allowable minimum, maximum and incremental values.
Thus, the merchant could sell cable by the foot, specifying a
minimum length of 5 feet, a maximum length of 250 feet, and lengths
in increments of 2 feet.
In the marketplace for E-Commerce tools, the development of product
configurators is somewhat ahead of product condensers, and there
continues to be some overlap in how each is best applied in actual
practice. When faced with the need to simplify the presentation
of complex products, eBusiness managers should consider whether
they are dealing with 1) a single product with lots of options
or 2) many products that are highly similar. A product configurator
is best applied to a single product with many options, while a
product condenser is best applied to a group of highly related
New Opportunities
Looking ahead at new opportunities in E-Commerce, the adoption
of methods for selling complex products should rank high in the
minds of eBusiness managers, since that is where the fastest
growth is likely to occur in coming years. Product configurators
and product condensers are an integral part of strategies for
selling complex products online.
Author note
Clifford Barney is an Executive E-Commerce Consultant specializing
in complex products. He is also the managing partner of Red Door
Software, a software development firm that develops ECommerce
tools for the industrial sector. He recently filed a patent on
an advanced E-Commerce system for selling complex products, and
is writing a book entitled 'Selling Complex Products on the Internet'.
He can be reached at
List of Figures
Figure 1 - Product Configurator
A complex product with many available options can be more efficiently
sold using a product configurator. This allows customers to select
options using an intuitive interface, which automatically prevents
incompatible options from being simultaneously selected. The
configured product can then be purchased using a conventional
E-Commerce shopping cart system.

Figure 2 - Product Condenser
When there are many products that are substantially similar, a
product condenser is an effective method of simplifying the buying
process for customers. Instead of browsing through dozens or
hundreds of rows of products with only slight variations from
one another, a product condenser provides an intuitive interface
for selecting variations, arriving at a single product. The product
can then be purchased using a conventional E-Commerce shopping
cart system. |