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CRM Feature - Special Discount Offers

Red Door's CRM campaign module allows you to create Special Offer emails to give customers various types of discounts when they order. The special offer email incorporates several other integrated functions, such as the order history table from the reorder reminder email, combined with a custom macro that provides a 5% discount when specified criteria are met. Note that emails are personally addressed to a specfic customer.
Red Door's powerful CRM module integrates marketing emails, with custom macros to offer special discounts, and personalized information with order history, all seamlessly joined with a ready-to-use shopping cart to complete the order. Email campaign orders are tracked and displayed within the orders table with a green check box showing you instantly the successful results from your email campaign.

Use Red Door's CRM module for targeted multi-discount E-mail campaigns

Red Door™ CRM enables you to incorporate several marketing tools in one powerful email. The email can be personalized and filled with various offers, discounts, free items with an order and more.

The customer's order history is displayed letting them know what they've ordered in the past, when they ordered it and how many they ordered. All the customer has to do is fill in the quantity they want and hit the reorder button. This will log them in and bring them to their shopping cart displaying their 5% discount.

Red Door™ CRM email makes it easy for your customer to complete their order by automatically creating a ready-to-use shopping cart. Not only can they recieve a discount on reorders but they call also recieve 5% off products that they have never purchased before, encouraging them to try something new.

The macros associated with these discounts allow you to set parameters such as making the offer valid only for a set period of time.

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