Product Syndication - Summary
Syndication is a way of pushing rapidly changing information
to remote users
Examples: RSS feeds are used to publish
short news stories all over the Internet
What is an RSS Feed?
RSS (formally "RDF Site Summary", known
colloquially as "Really Simple Syndication") is
a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated
content such as blog entries, news headlines or podcasts.
An RSS document, which is called a "feed", "web
feed", or "channel", contains either a summary
of content from an associated web site or the full text.
RSS makes it possible for people to keep up with their favorite
web sites in an automated manner that's easier than checking
them manually.
RSS content can be read using software called an "RSS
reader", "feed reader" or an "aggregator".
The user subscribes to a feed by entering the feed's link
into the reader or by clicking an RSS icon in a browser
that initiates the subscription process. The reader checks
the user's subscribed feeds regularly for new content,
downloading any updates that it finds.
Product syndication is the same concept, except publishing
entire products;
Using simple commands, merchants can 'drop and sell' products
right into their web pages - similar to Amazon, Ebay, etc.
- Key differentiator with our product syndication is
built-in support for complex products.
- Product configurators allow merchants to sell products
with lots of options - can tie into quotation engines,
- Product condensors allow merchants to display lots
of similar products in a way that's convenient for customers

The Bar
Red Door™ is
taking production syndication to a whole new level with
BUILT-IN support for complex products. Unlike conventional
raw data feeds, which require the merchant to integrate
into their E-Commerce systems, Product Syndication allows
the entire product - pictures, pricing, related documentation,
description, SKU's, etc. - to be pushed directly to your
distributors E-Commerce sites.
E-Business managers
at the manufacturers level can upload their products to our
syndication server and modify them over the web. The distributor
can then allow any data change by the manufacture to flow
directly to the distributors web site. |
- Manufacturer can modify pricing for different distributors
- Manufacturer
can add, modify, and delete pictures, copy and any
other information which would all filter down immediately “real time changes” for
the distributor, on the distributors web site without
the distributor doing anything.
- Manufacturers can choose what products can be sold
by what distributors, partial or all products.
- Distributors
can also log into the syndication server and set their
own pricing, SKU's, descriptions, etc. Distributor
can use specific logic, as an example “If
Manufacture increases sends an increase of 5% raise prices
on web site by 5%.
- Our tools are sold as a Software as a Service - SaaS
- there is no software to install. Everything is already
installed on the Internet
- Our tools bolt onto existing E-Commerce platforms -
they do not replace them

Value Proposition #1
One centralized location for the manufacturers data where all
distributors will automatically get data feed of any magnitude
directly to their web site in real time. Manufacturer will
not have to support different data requests from different
Value Proposition #2
Complex products are so difficult to sell online that
most SME merchants will never effectively sell them. Product
syndication allows manufacturers to pre-configure complex
products as easily 'dropped-in' objects that merchants
can plug into their web sites quickly. This pre-configuration
includes easy to use configurators and condensors.
Value Proposition #3
Pricing updates are a major hassle for distributors and
Manufacturers. Syndicating products eliminates these problems.
As soon as pricing changes on the manufacturing side, it
instantly trickles down to distributors, based on percent
mark-ups or other rules logic. |
Value Proposition #4
Creating the means for distributors to sell complex products
creates a tremendous advantage for manufacturers. Their
competitors may be slow to adopt similar technology, and
their own distributors will continue to sell ineffectively.
Product syndication, combined with advanced tools for selling
complex products, is a FORCE MULTIPLIER for manufacturers.
It increases the selling power of a mfg's installed base
of distributors |